April Blog: Giving Hope the Food Pantry

Service hours this month: 7 Total community service hours: 12 The month of April was bittersweet since it marked the end of the Pharmacology program. The program has taught me a lot about myself, studying medicine, and how to proceed from here. We finished Principles of Pharmacology last month, but still had presentations, our Cell Control Mechanisms final, and the opportunity to take part of the NBME. Our NBME consisted of retired Pharmacological questions from the shelf exams for medical school. It encompassed most of the Medical Pharmacology material from the cumulative year. Although a little daunting at first, the NBME was a great bench-marker for how much the Pharmacology Program has taught us. It was a valuable experience that hopefully gave the whole class the confidence needed to move onto the real thing in medical school in the near future. Additionally, the presentations and our end of the year elevator talk in environmental signaling proved how far we have come in term...